inteliventia Magic Recommender has 2 phases at its working flow:

Data Input
At First Phase data input occurs.
During this phase, you give to inteliventia Magic Recommender all the data you think is more relevant por obtaining predictions. You can input into the recommender as data as you want, but take into consideration that our algorithms will evaluate and callibrate all the data for stablishing what is really important for predictions and can lead to statistical co-ocurrences.
Not all the data is significative, you should previously study which of them do you consider can be of interest. todos los datos son significativos, estudie previamente los que considere que pueden ser de interés. If you wish, we can advise you on this. Some of the data that we have proven to be significant are:
Behavioral data:
- Page viewss
- Product searches
- “Likes” at social buttons
- Add to cart
- Product scoring
User data:
- Sex
- Age
- Language
- Referrer
- Purchase history
- User segments
inteliventia Magic Recommender algorithms love Data!
As more data inteliventia Magic Recommender ingests, more incredibly accurate are the predictions it provides, and more learns every day *.
Obtaining Recommendations
At this phase inteliventia Magic Recommender products recommender analize at real time all user actions history and, in a parallel way, submit its query to the predictive model created, obtaining at real-time a prediction with the products to recommend sorted from highest to lowest specific weight. The, in only a few In milliseconds, inteliventia Magic Recommender offersthe best predictions for your user.
inteliventia Magic Recommender allows filtering the results. I you wish, you can obtain product recommendations only for a specific category, or you can eliminate from results the products that are yet at your customer shopping cart, or those that the user has previously bought.
You can even get recommendations only for “trendy” products from last days!
inteliventia Magic Recommender is a Predictive Artificial Intelligence engine based at Machine Learning. This means that for each additional data you provide, the overall intelligence of predictive model is augmented . The more data you provide to inteliventia Magic Recommender, the more analysis elements it has for better predictions. However, the more different data you need to analyze, the longer it will take to calculate a predictive model of maximum acuracy. Keep it in mind when assesing your analysis point.